Automatic pet rotary blower

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Sincropet won the award for best automatic rotary pet blower made in Brazil.

Sincropet manufactures automatic rotary pet blower ", with blowing capacity for small, medium and high cadences, starting at 2,000 bottles / hour at 19,200 bottles / hour. The company won the award by Embanews magazine for the best blowing machine manufactured in Brazil. Reference in the area, Sincropet exclusively manufactures the "automatic rotary pet blower" for customers in Brazil and South America.

Our equipment is ideal for the blowing of plastic PET bottles, with volumes from 150ml to 3.3 liters, even though it is not an electronic blower, it counts on electronic machine resources, simulating the digital analog.

Sincropet is a reference in Brazil for the PET blow, we are the only Brazilian manufacturer in rotary "Bottle blower". With fully automatic machines, we serve several renowned clients in Brazil and South America. Always beside the customer, we accompany and do the design study of the bottles in production, we can also help you to optimize the lay out of the factory, for new launches we can create designs with smaller bottles, or create new designs that aim to increase resistance, pilot samples at the beginning of manufacture, engineering to create new projects and manufacture the new molds to order. All this support is offered to the customer, at no cost, at the time of purchase of our blowing machine.

Another advantage is that Sincropet can buy the used machines of the client, in exchange for the new one.

10 qualities of our blowers

We can mention the 10 qualities that make Sincropet blowers the best investment option for Brazil and Latin America. Everything a company needs to blow PET bottles with high productivity and efficiency. See below:

  1. Our "Automatic rotary pet blower" has options that allow blowing different types of preforms and technical bottles, as an example of "mini cover". All our new blowers have precise control in the heating process, with IR Camera, to generate the correct temperature ideal for a perfect blow. Even with temperature fluctuations, our blower computer regulates, every 30 seconds, the tempera- tures of the 9 heating zones, reducing or increasing the flow of the fans. With the adoption of some options, you can run management reports.
  2. Operation of the blower in Mechanical Kinematics, Via Cames, ensuring simplicity in operation, maintaining high standard of quality with low cost.
  3. Blower with durability for two decades, with alternatives of technological upgrades won by Sincropet after the sale, according to the budget generated based on the need of resources for each customer. As there is no use of encrypted components, you do not need the manufacturer for the new process and maintenance.
  4. 100% automatic rotary blower, never decreases production even in cases of electric power oscillation.
  5. Possibility of small retrofitings or large retrofitings on the used blowing machines manufactured by Sincropet. The company conducts a diagnostic visit to evaluate and suggest what can be offered to increase wind resources and increase efficiency with new options, which are more than 100 technological advances.
  6. Our mold mounted by Sincropet is Quick change type, which can be changed in just 3 minutes. On the machine panel, the worker reports what the new recipe is. The blow is configured quickly and easily in the "Automatic Pet Roller Blower" Sincropet.
  7. The reforms offered by Sincropet can be financed via PROGEREM or via a bank with Operational Leasing. The new "Automatic rotary pet blower" is sold by Sincropet and homologated by FINAME and BNDES.
  8. blower with features in Analog / Digital technology, the IHM Digital panel allows for monitoring, storage for over 280 recipes, with simple vital functions.
  9. Sincropet's new "Automatic Pet Plow Blower", assembled by only 15% of imported parts, has a low maintenance cost, shorter delivery time in parts involved in technical assistance, use of national labor, reducing industrial costs.
  10. Blower suitable to meet the new safety standards NR-10 and NR-12, comes with well-sized electrical cables, reducing the risk of short circuit and unwanted heating. We mount solid stainless steel tubes with NPT valves instead of hoses. There are safety sensors in all vital operating parts and kinematics in the equipment. Sincropet has never had an accident in its industrial plant, much less in the customer industries, where our "automatic rotary pet blowers" operate.

Reforms in "Automatic rotary pet blower", for the brands Sidel ® and Sincropet, in addition to reforms in compressors:

Sincropet has a department dedicated to renovating blowers and compressors under any conditions of use. Our Engineering Department has highly qualified professionals, who make diagnoses and reports, checking which parts can and should be recovered, and which ones should be replaced by the more resistant ones. All of this aims to increase blower safety and increase production efficiency. Sincropet offers reforms in machines of the brand Sincropet and Sidel ® STE, Series 1 and 2. All the following models can be reformed; SBO 2 ™, SBO 4 ™, SBO 6 ™, SBO 10 ™, SBO 16 ™ and SBO 24 ™.

Repairs can be made on used machines, in good condition, or on end-of-life machines.

Sincropet can rebuild the machine with the same configuration and technology of origin, or by including the new technology mentioned above, including advances obtained by the company. There are many options that can be budgeted for items so that the customer can decide on those that interest him.

Sincropet is not a licensee of sidel ® .

Our SINCROPET spare parts do not originate from the original Sidel® manufacturers.
Our parts are manufactured in Brazil, for local and international resale.

Sincropet Parts and Services are neither approved nor authorized by sidel ®.

To know more about blowing machine serviceAutomatic pet rotary blower

Call (11) 5851-6970 ou or click here and contact us by email.

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