Semi new pet blow molding machine

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We Revitalize Used Machines

Manufacturer of new blowing machines, Sincropet also offers "Semi new pet blowing machine", with a capacity of 2,400 bottles / hour at 19,200 bottles / hour. In addition to manufacturing, the company has a department that can budget clients for renovations on old blowers, with the intention of revitalizing them. Another option given to the customer is the exchange of their old blowing machine for a "semi new pet blowing machine" reformed by the syncopet

SINCROPET specializes in rebuilding blowing machines, and the "Semi-new pet blowing machine" department is always attentive to the possibilities of the market for obtaining machines for sale. . Specialized, our professionals have all the expertise to disassemble, rebuild structural parts and reassemble blowing machines, eliminating worn parts for new parts with higher mechanical strength, improving vital functions for blowing perfect bottles. Sincropet adds technological innovations to these assemblies, and then makes them available for sale.

In our line of equipment for sale, the customer can opt for new or reformed blowers with semi-new state. Thus the department of "Semi-new pet blowing machine" aims to recover machines in all stages of use, to be reformed according to the details below:

Resale Department for Used Blow Molding Machines

  1. 1 - Used machines in good condition - After a detailed analysis of the department of "Semi new pet blowing machine", our professionals prepare a report to identify the work required in this restoration, as well as the parts that are working precariously within each sub set, identifying the scraps and parts that can be recovered. We also identify the list of new parts required and involved in this reassembly, seeking to reestablish the original state of manufacture of the blowing machine. Soon after, our engineering department studies the amount to be paid for it, the proposal is sent with the purpose of purchase by Sincropet to carry out the reform and turn it into a "Semi new pet blowing machine" for sale.
  2. 2 - Old blowing machines, end of use - Machines that are still operative and blowing bottles, but in an advanced stage of wear and operating precariously. In this situation, the department of "Semi-new pet blowing machine" performs the same analysis above, through a diagnostic visit of the engineers for evaluation, mainly analyzing the vibration and resonance of this machine when blowing and production. It then reviews all sub-assemblies to evaluate the dismantling and rebuilding investment, and shortly thereafter, our "Semi-new pet blowing machine" department offers the proposal for purchase. Once acquired, the blowing machine goes through reform of all the damaged parts, renewing its life to work for two more decades with resources implemented by Sincropet to spend less energy and rely on new technology more efficient. Following this, Sincropet makes this machine available for sale.
  3. 3 - Blow machines scraped - The department of "Semi-new pet blowing machine", conducts market research to find out the value of the machine in that state, makes a purchase proposal. Soon after acquiring the machine inoperative, it performs a complete disassembly of the equipment, followed by restoration of the structural parts. All other mechanical wear parts are eliminated, new mechanical parts with higher strength are mounted on this blowing machine. In the part of the electrical cabinet, Sincropet manufactures new equipment, with many technological upgrades, such as a new HMI panel with touch functions and possibility to store more than 280 recipes from several PET bottles. After the end of the reform, the company puts up for sale the new blower.
  4. Here are some of the possible new features used in Syncropet Phoenix technology, which can be incorporated into retrofits to form a "new semi-pet blowing machine" that will be sold in the future:

Allow low weight preforms to enter the blower furnace, such as 9.7 grams to blow 500 ml.

Allow to blow preform thick wall, High Stress type, which are ideal for low weight bottles, thus reducing the consumption of electric power.

Allow to work with reduced and light finish preforms, Mini Type.

Allows to monitor the heating function of the IR lamps more efficiently, allowing you to regulate the ideal temperature for the blow, even with increasing or decreasing temperature throughout the day, this feature adapts the heating to obtain the perfect temperature and ideal for bottle recipe, limiting below 0.3% the blow of defective bottles, as well as spending less energy to produce the bottles.

Allow to adjust the pre-blow, with quick cooling of the bottles blown.

Allow to optimize the consumption of High Pressure Air.

Allow to work with an internal network, sharing information quickly and fidelity to the CPU of the machine. With the inclusion of optional, we can extract production productivity reports, discover statistics of efficiency and effectiveness of employees.

To know more about blowing machine serviceSemi new pet blow molding machine

Call (11) 5851-6970 ou or click here and contact us by email.

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