Plastic bottle blowing machine

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Sincropet - Durability and Robustness Manufacturing Blow Machine For Plastic Bottle.

When it comes to "PET bottle blowing machine" PET, Sincropet is the first Brazilian company remembered, once it became reference in the subject. The company produces machines with varying blowing capacity, ranging from 2,000 bottles / hour to equipment blowing 19,200 bottles / hour.

In our production line of PET Bottle Blowing Machine, we can mention the SP3 / 6 blow molding machine, with production capacity for 3,600 bottles per hour, it is modular even with use in the customer industry for several years , Sincropet can increase it by adding 3 more posts with 3 templates, this can be done in 10 days, we have already done many projects and we have deep knowledge for this. With this doubling, going from 3,600 to 7,200 bottles / hour, this investment is close to 35% of the purchase price of the original blower. Sincropet can offer starting blower model SP6 / 6, to produce 7,200 bottles / hour. Raising the family, the next model is the SP10 / 10, with nominal capacity to blow between 11,500 to 12,000 bottles an hour.

We also offer, through the department of "blowing machine for plastic bottle", reforms in machines and compressors used with guarantee.

Best Manufacturer of Blow Molding Machines

Sincropet stood out as the best manufacturer of PET Bottle Blowing Machine, winning the Embanews magazine award. Its recognition makes it produce equipment for companies of all sizes, including multinationals.

Recognized in the national and international market, as a company that offers complete solution in the universe of "blowing machine for plastic bottle". Among its specialties, we can find reform, corrective and preventive maintenance of blowing machines, besides stopping all the technology to develop new projects, reducing the weight of the bottle, increasing its resistance and taking care for the preservation of the environment. All this transmits greater value to the final consumer!

With a body of highly skilled professionals, those working in the area of ​​"plastic bottle blowing machine", we are always alert to the market to restore worn machines to put them back for sale. The dismantling, recovery of parts, remounting and sale of a machine in conditions of excellence for use are developed by Sincropet. All this goes hand in hand with preserving the environment, valuing human beings and Sustainability.

Among the machines recovered by the department of "blowing machines for plastic bottle" are the below described.

Reconhecida no mercado nacional e internacional, como uma empresa que oferece solução completa no universo de “máquina de sopro para garrafa plástica”. Entre suas especialidades, podemos encontrar reforma, manutenção corretiva e preventiva de máquinas sopradoras, além de deter toda a tecnologia para desenvolver novos projetos, diminuindo o peso da garrafa, aumentando sua resistência e tomando cuidados para a preservação do meio ambiente. Tudo isso transmite maior valor ao consumidor final!

Com um corpo de profissionais altamente capacitados, aqueles que atuam na área de “Máquina de sopro para garrafa plástica”, estamos sempre atentos ao mercado para restaurar máquinas desgastadas para recolocá-las à venda. O desmonte, recuperação de peças, remonte e venda de uma máquina em condições de excelência para uso são desenvolvidas pela Sincropet. Tudo isso anda em paralelo com a preservação do meio ambiente, valorização dos seres humanos e a Sustentabilidade.

Entre as máquinas recuperadas pelo departamento de “Máquinas de sopro para garrafa plástica” estão as abaixo descriminadas.

  1. Blow machines in good condition - In this case, the "Bottle blowing machine for plastic bottles" makes an analysis of the equipment in operation, seeking changes and improvements in relation to the original design, writing a report about it, detailing the parts they need restoration to remain in use, checking worn parts that need to be replaced by new ones, and at the same time verifying the possibility of innovations in these parts, which can be advance in strength and durability, as well as parts that allow function innovation. Among so many optimizations of resources, we can mention the technological advance of a machine that consumes less energy for the blowing of perfect bottles in PET plastic.
  2. Operative blowers, although in a deteriorating stage - are analyzed by professionals in the area of ​​"Bottle blowing machine for plastic bottles" during an evaluation visit, where several factors are observed, starting with the shaking, evaluating the sub-assemblies, as well as the investment purchase and rebuild for resale. With the inclusion of new technologies, these equipment and apparatus return for sale after being restored with new features, resulting in the possibility of blowing super-light or heavy returnable bottles with volumes of 150ml to 3,3 liters.
  3. Scraped machines, without conditions of use - here the "Bottle blowing machine for plastic bottle" sends suggestion of purchase, after acquiring it, makes reform using the core of the equipment, exchange of pieces and removal of rust at the same time, injects technological innovations gained in new blowers through Sincropet Phoenix technology, making it available for purchase.

The result is a machine with a 20-year life span, minimal energy expenditure and all the cutting edge features, including the possibility of feeding preforms with low weight. In the blower oven, we include features of the IR Oven, offers the possibility of working with thick wall preform, reducing the consumption of electric energy. Another innovation offered to the customer may be the computerized IR Lamps heating function, which always regulates the ideal temperature for blown bottle recipe blow, even with increasing temperature throughout the day, or with decreasing temperature of the dawn, the machine generates the necessary heat for the manufacture of perfect bottles.

Sincropet has developed more than 100 new features in technology, providing simpler operation of the blower. Each such resource can be chosen by the customers, according to the need of the chosen bottle, in meeting, all the necessary resources are analyzed and budgeted to the client.

To know more about blowing machine servicePlastic bottle blowing machine

Call (11) 5851-6970 ou or click here and contact us by email.

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