Pet Bottle Blower

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Sincropet has the award of the best pet bottle blower manufactured in Brazil.

Sincropet is the recipient of the Embanews Award, as the manufacturer of the best "pet bottle blower" manufactured in Brazil, Sincropet produces new rotary and atomic equipment with production capacity for low and medium cadence, between 3,600 bottles / hour and 12,000 bottles / hour. Our equipment is ideal for blowing PET plastic bottles between 150ml and 3.3 liters.

The company is committed to working favorably with "Sustainability", which is why we also market guarantee blowing machines, reformed by Sincropet, with a production of 2,000 bottles / hour up to 19,200 bottles / hour.

Reference in the area, the company is the only Brazilian manufacturer for rotary "Pet Bottle Blower". They are fully automatic machines. Sincropet serves many renowned customers in Brazil and South America. We can follow and design the packaging design, help optimize the lay out of the factory, create new concepts to improve the bottles, reduce weights or improve the resistance , piloting of samples with help in the process and manufacture of new molds to order. All this support is offered to the customer, at no cost, at the time of purchase of our blowing machine.

We can cite the 10 Strengths gathered in our "Pet Bottle Blower", unique qualities gathered in the same blower, recognized by customers, many of them with bottle prizes.

10 Strengths of our machine

1) Fully automated "rotary machine" has the option to come with additional blowing to different types of preforms and technical bottles like Short Finish, blower with precise control for the heating process; IR camera with PLC controlled temperature charts that regulate oven lamps to generate the perfect heat in the 9 heating zones. Even with temperature fluctuations during the working day, the machine is regulated to never generate unnecessary heat. Certainty of energy savings that contributes to Sustainability. It has storage capacity for more than 280 bottle recipes with immense versatility. High productivity. With the inclusion of some options, it is possible to generate management reports.

2) Operation of the blower in Mechanical Kinematics, Via Cames, guarantee of simplicity in operation, repetition of cycles with impeccable quality, low dependence on maintenance, does not depend on mechatronics since the machine has mechanical operation. It is easy to see where the machine requires maintenance.

3) Our "Pet Bottle Blower" guarantees high durability of life, with options for technological upgrades developed by the syncropet after the sale. As there is no use of encrypted components, it is easy and fast to maintain by the end customer, without relying on the manufacturer.

4) 100% automatic rotary blower, never decreases production, even in cases of electric power fluctuation.

5) Possibility of small retrofitings or large retrofitings on the machines sold by Sincropet, with exclusive technology added when the customer needs to introduce new packaging.

6) The mold mounted by Sincropet is Quick change style, and can be changed in just 3 minutes. The new blow recipe is configured easily and quickly in the HMI panel of our "Pet Bottle Blower".

7) Reforms executed on clients, or machines refurbished and sold by Sincropet, can be financed via PROGEREM or via a bank with Operational Leasing. The new "Pet Bottle Blower" sold by Sincropet is homologated by FINAME and BNDES.

8) With IHM Digital touch screen panel, data extraction, monitoring, reporting, global process controls and simple life functions can be checked. Sincropet guarantees the delivery of equipment with the best in technology, excellent cost / benefit, great durability and fast return on investment.

9) Our new "Pet Bottle Blower" features 85% of domestic parts, which means low maintenance costs, shorter delivery times for technical assistance, use of national labor, much cheaper to perform services in Brazil or in Latin America.

10) Blower suitable to the safety standards NR10 and NR12, required in Brazil for all industries. We use super-sized electrical cables, which eliminate overheating as much as possible, reducing the risk of short circuits. We mount solid stainless steel tubes with NPT valves, instead of hoses. Safety sensors were embedded in all vital operating and kinematic parts of the equipment. This news greatly reduces the risk of accidents. Sincropet is very proud of never having had an accident in its industrial plant, much less in the industries where our "Blowers" operate.

Let's explain the Reforms that Sincropet offers in "Bottle Blower":

A Sincropet conta com um departamento orientado para reformas em nossas máquinas sopradoras. Esse serviço é oferecido também para a marca Sidel ®, onde somos especialistas nos modelos STE S1 e S2, SBO 4 ™, SBO 4 ™ SBO 6 ™ SBO 10 ™ e SBO 16 ™. Sejam elas em boas condições de uso ou em estado “fim de vida útil”. O Departamento de Engenharia e de “Sopradora de garrafa pet”, conta com um corpo de profissionais qualificados, que produzem diagnósticos e relatórios dos estados de uso de cada equipamento, quais peças podem e devem ser recuperadas, e quais as que devem ser trocadas por novas. Esse serviço prolonga a vida útil dos equipamentos em campo, diminuindo o resíduo ambiental. A Sincropet tem muitos níveis de reformas a oferecer, conforme abaixo:

Sincropet has a reform-oriented department in our blowing machines. This service is also offered for the Sidel ® brand, where we specialize in STE S1 and S2, SBO 4 ™, SBO 4 ™ SBO 6 ™ SBO 10 ™ and SBO 16 ™ models. Whether they are in good condition or in "end of life" state. The Department of Engineering and "Pet Bottle Blower" has a team of qualified professionals, who produce diagnoses and reports of the states of use of each equipment, which parts can and should be recovered, and which ones should be exchanged for new ones. This service extends the life of the equipment in the field, reducing the environmental residue. Sincropet has many levels of reforms to offer, as follows:

Reform "As Biult", which replaces the machine with the same configuration and technology of origin. Reform with exclusive technological upgrade, being able to budget all the new resources, or only some of them, according to the client's need. There are many options, from improvements in vital functions of the blower to the inclusion of technology to blow ultralight or heavy bottles. Engineering projects and layout, assembly of new factories, sale of blowing machines for customers in the segments of PET plastic bottles for mineral water, isotonic, Soft Drinks, carbonated beverages, pasty or liquid food products, cleaning products, hygiene personnel, fermented or distilled alcoholic beverages are Sincropet customers. The company offers excellent preventive maintenance and is a reference in technical assistance services.

Sincropet is not a licensee of sidel ® .

Our SINCROPET spare parts do not originate from the original Sidel® manufacturers.
Our parts are manufactured in Brazil, for local and international resale.

Sincropet Parts and Services are neither approved nor authorized by sidel ®.

To know more about blowing machine servicePet Bottle Blower

Call (11) 5851-6970 ou or click here and contact us by email.

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Regions where SincroPet meets Pet Bottle Blower:

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